Ring Carnation hails the CV Show a success

The Ring Carnation stand was buzzing with activity over the three days of the CV Show at the NEC in Birmingham and the company was thrilled with the interest in the two brands on display: Ring Carnation and OSRAM.

The stand displayed an extensive range of products from both brands and staff were on hand to demonstrate the benefits of the products and discuss opportunities with visitors.

Ring Carnation is a vehicle conversion electrical specialist that has been the market-leading supplier of switching systems with the emergency services since 1995, with genisys™ remaining the controller of choice.

Visitors were particularly interested in the genisys gII ECU, which is equipped with a high performance 32-bit 300Mhz Atmel Cortex®-M7 processor, with 2MB of on-board memory and 16 analogue inputs, enabling monitoring of multiple conditions such as battery voltages, temperature and pressure. The genisys II ECU Classic (gII ECU Classic) has more processing power, bigger memory, greater control capability, higher efficiency and new user-friendly service features.

Also on the stand was OSRAM, displaying its growing range of working and driving lights for trucks and commercial vehicles.

Lighting Marketing Manager for OSRAM, Terri Clark, said: “We were thrilled with the response we got at the CV Show, we had many conversations with new and current customers and met people who were interested in both the Ring Carnation and OSRAM brands. We certainly think it was a success from both a new business and brand awareness point of view and look forward to continuing the business conversations we had.”

Henry Bisson, Marketing Director at Ring, commented: “It was great to be back at the CV Show, we had a lot of interest from potential customers around our genisys™ power management system. It never fails to amaze us to hear and understand what different requirements customers have out in the market for mobile work units. It was also great to catch up with existing customers (some exhibiting themselves) to understand what projects they are working on and where we can support.”

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