The seven-part documentary series, which explores the challenges of reducing the carbon footprint of road freight transport, has just been awarded the Grand Prix Stratégies for Engagement Communication Silver Award in the Brand Communication category – Company Transformation and and two Top/Com Awards: the Gold Grand Prix in the Corporate business digital section category and the Prix Spécial de l’Expression (special award for expression).
With over 90% of essential goods transported by road, freight transport remains essential to the functioning of our societies. Yet trucks account for 7% of the European Union’s total carbon footprint, posing a major challenge in the fight against climate change. Renault Trucks is aware of its responsibility and is undergoing transformations to rapidly reduce its carbon footprint.
At the heart of these transformations lies “The Good Move, Committed to Decarbonisation.” Each of the seven episodes in this documentary series highlights the challenges faced by the transport industry and the efforts of stakeholders in the sector to address them.
First broadcast in late 2023, the program “The Good Move, Committed to Decarbonisation” is now being praised for its commitment and role in raising awareness of the climate emergency. Renault Trucks and the agency Alunites have indeed won the Grand Prix Stratégies for Engagement Communication Silver Award in the Brand Communication category – Company Transformation; and two Top/Com Awards: the Gold Grand Prix in the Corporate business digital section category and the Prix Spécial de l’Expression (special award for expression).
With “The Good Move, Committed to Decarbonisation,” Renault Trucks has taken the time to explore these complex issues in depth, focusing on eight-minute episodes. The documentary series gives voice not only to Renault Trucks experts, but also to a wide range of specialists. Among them are Ludovic Ravanel, geomorphologist – researcher at CNRS, Jean Jouzel, paleoclimatologist and former vice-chair of the IPCC scientific group, Jennifer Peyser, CEO of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), and Florence Toilier, research engineer at LAET – ENTPE (Laboratory of Economic Planning, Transport Economics).
Bruno Blin, President of Renault Trucks is also the main protagonist of the series, alongside an employee of the company. He speaks with transparency and without seeking to conceal or embellish reality.
“Because we can no longer be satisfied with baby steps, at Renault Trucks we have made commitments to decarbonise our industry and conserve resources, with many concrete actions already in place. Of course, a lot still remains to be done. This is what I wanted to share and document in this series.”