UK loses three hydrogen fuel stations this year

The UK’s hydrogen refuelling network has taken a hit this year, with the closure of three Motive sites.

The company shut down its stations at Cobham, Gatwick and Swindon as they were too small to be upgraded to accommodate new technology and larger vehicles.

The Cobham site was the first to open in 2017, as part of a partnership with Shell.

Motive said it intends to focus on larger stations and vehicle refuelling. Following a review of the company’s existing portfolio of hydrogen refuelling stations, it confirmed the majority will be upgraded with work already in progress at the CEME and AMP Rotherham sites with new stations to be opened in Derby and Barking with further sites in the pipeline.

Cobham closed in February, followed by Gatwick and Swindon in July.

A statement issued by Motive said: “We recognise these closures will be disruptive for customers and apologise for that disruption.”

There are currently four hydrogen refuelling stations in London, one in Birmingham and one in Sheffield. Two more sites are situated in Aberdeen.

New sites in Glasgow, Belfast, Tees Valley and Liverpool are planned to open shorty, according to The UK H2Mobility consortium.

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