BIFA urges members to consider recruiting apprentices

BIFA executive director Carl Hobbis, who has responsibility for the trade association’s training and development programme said: “It is vital to continue to recruit freight forwarding apprentices and build capacity to start equipping a new generation with the knowledge and skills to face the challenges ahead in the post Brexit and post Covid-19 world.

“We are at an important crossroads and we must protect the future of the sector as we meet the changing supply chain management demands that have resulted from the pandemic and the UK’s exit from the EU.”

He says that the International Freight Forwarding Specialist Apprenticeship, which BIFA helped create in 2018, is an ideal entry point for the industry with around over 800 apprentices already having taken the pathway, with great success.

Earlier this week apprenticeship training provider, Seetec Outsource, with which BIFA works closely, released an informative magazine-style video, produced by CHAOS TV, featuring the International Freight Forwarding Specialist Apprenticeship, BIFA Apprentice of the Year Award winner Thomas Low, BIFA member company Good Logistics Group, as well as Carl.

During the video, there was a discussion with the National Careers Service seeking to address and correct a number of myths around apprentices and apprenticeships.

This followed a presentation that Carl gave at a recent networking event for freight forwarders organised by the Headford Group where he spoke about the importance of attracting young people to careers in the freight industry.

BIFA is also practicing what it preaches having recently recruited Brooke Neilson as its first apprentice. Brooke, who is studying to complete the PR and Communications apprenticeship standard is making excellent progress and already adding value and supporting the future direction of BIFA’s member communications.

Hobbis concludes: “For SMEs, the training costs of the International Freight Forwarding Specialist Apprenticeship can be as little as £450 per apprentice. It includes a BTEC customs qualification for the apprentice as well, which makes it great value.

“Now, more than ever, we need to promote the industry and give young people employment opportunities. We have had an apprenticeship standard for international freight forwarding for five years and the sector has been in the news more than ever, so what a great time to encourage someone to consider a career in forwarding.”

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